
at its uttermost


Simply: Faster ROI

Development resources are too expensive to waste on footwork. The codes are changing immediately and constantly.

DevOps will let you attain the results you would like faster and in a more healthy systematic practice. Code-to-Live is measured with seconds anymore, including tests.

Data Flow

Can you rely on a human being for the mission-critical processes?

You need the best way to drive your data through your pipelines. Your human resources are needed for improving your flows, not doing the operations that a machine is the best for.

Millions of requests per second is made possible with dumb pipes. Intelligent ESBs cannot reach that speed without infeasible customizations.


BaaS & FaaS: It is not a toy or a utopia.

Development is purely dedicated to development. Maintanance and operations are minimized with great minds looking after the hardware, you will never hear about.

There no system update cycles, no hardware upgrade headaches, no operating system version problems. Security updates are immediate and best yet not your concern.

Move to Cloud

DataCenter Providers are competing against each other more than ever.

Move from one cloud provider to the other with a proper plan. If you are using exclusive products from one cloud provider, you are not stuck as you might think.

Even easier when you are working on bare metal and would like to move to AWS, GCE, Azure, IBM or Oracle.


Leave operations of your servers.

Just leave dedicated servers. Let us design and provide you, equivalent service to your custom services. Certainly with ownership of your data, privacy and exclusive usage rights.

You can then omit all the unnecessary operations and resources to manage the technology herd.

Cloud Native

Cloud Native planning and execution.

Serverless infrastructures are cheaper than development. You need to have your application ready to be scaled on automated rulesets.

Hadoop is already mature. Set ready for Mesos, Kubernetes and the upcoming practices.

Smaller, Manageable, More Efficient Services

You will most probably lose the guy who knows the first guy who is the friend of the guy that developed the services. So no one will be left to know how things work.

If that time has come... Not to make the same mistake again, let’s move your giant application into microservices.

There are bunch of cool stuff you may not heard of that we are playing with for along time.

Efficiency is not this much subjective

We keep the operations at the minimum with maximum effort on planning.

It is not all about the tools you use or utilize. Sometimes it is more about how you use it.

We plan according to the best practice out there in the world. This is the least you care about most of the time, which we suggest you should do more. Since this is the tipping point for the overall efficiency on the long run.

Investigate the root cause

Do not waste your resources that did not work for the former time. Let us help you understand the real problem. You may decide then what to do next.

Depending on your current infrastructure and known frameworks make you impossible to move further. Moving from one to another is the more or less the same thing as keeping the headache even more.

Lead the way or may we?

Work with people who actually love their job.

Next Gen

Now everything seems more and more complex and unmanagable. When you think you might have a consultancy on a problem, things get more messy.

Tell us about the problem. we will let you know possible scenarios of the solutions.

That is next gen “consultancy”.


you can either employ people or work the robots (or machines in most cases).


making two (or more) systems (or things) talk to each other and solve more problems than the sum of all.


making two (or more) systems to do things in coordinance.


making sure work is never interrupted by listening to everything simultaneously and continuously.

security and audit

governing data and flows in order to make sure only and only those have the privileged access to the desired resources; not more not less.


probably the easiest among all. transforming ideas into realities. the hardest part is the idea itself. if you have it covered, it is done.


the kuka machines of developers.

Lightning Istanbul
Levent 199/6, Levent 34330 Istanbul Turkey
+1 (415) 741-2133